Thanks for showing up! No matter how you got here thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my adventures with photography and design.
Let me start with a little about me and my background, My name is Lauren and I am currently living in upstate NY. I am celebrating my one year wedding anniversary with the best husband in the world in two weeks. We are taking a much needed break from our day to day lives. We purchased a house is Rochester last year and are in the process of making a great first home for us. I learned how to rip out walls and have perfected my skills at sanding really old doors.
I went to school at RIT and graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Art, I studied advertising photography and marketing. I had a little trouble finding a stable job in this field so I ended up in Insurance. Long stretch I know! It works though, I have a great job, I have moved up in the company very quickly and it works for me.
I have been using my "skills" in design and photography since I graduated but everyone keeps asking to see more. So here it is Ladies and Gents. Enjoy!
If you would like more information please feel free to email me at
The story behind the name - Vanilla Mary
This goes back many years ago when it was just me and my sister Kristen. We must have been under the age of ten, the time when kids say the cutest things. We both went to a Catholic school and when we were out at a store my sister saw a Cameo Brooch and called it a Vanilla Mary. She thought it was a picture of the Virgin Mary and not white but Vanilla. So hence the name ~ Vanilla Mary ~